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Earth and Water

I painted this picture after watching BLACK PANTHER... It symbolizes the relationship of man and women (yin and Yang).In the man's eyes it holds the earth which is stability. To me a man should be grounded. In the women's eyes there are raindrops: women are emotionally driven. Water and earth go together perfectly and don't exist without one another. Water nurtures the earth, and earth gives water containment. Men should bring emotional stability to the relationship and the women will nurture that stability and this will create a beautiful union.


The Help

For my Nephews and Ellie

  To my Sterling Boys and Brielle   I know a lot of time has gone by since you have seen me, just know In my heart you will always be. It’s so sad to write to you as if y’all aren’t here but adult drama fills the air.  I imagine you all have grown so big and strong, your childhood laugh warms my cold days and our memories together keeps me strong. I know I’m just your aunt but y’all will forever me my Bestfriend’s, the closest thing to my own children and Gods beautiful art.  I wonder what new things you have learned, what adventures you’ve taken? How many books have you read? Have you watched a good movie? How did you do in school virtually and what little pains you hold in your young hearts๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ I remember you all being so very smart, and I know your mothers are taking very good care of you. Please be patient with them because this time in life is hard for us all.  I shed tears writing this poem but it’s been weighing heavy on my mind. The only thought that I had was why did I have


  We twisted those beautiful moments with bitter words and shattered our reflection. Neither you or I can justify the war between 2 beautiful brains   We took those precious memories, and stomped out any light left in a deferred dream. Can you tell me the reason for our season? What lesson did we teach each-other that we haven’t already seen? Was I not humble enough of a women did you not accept my apologies. Do I frighten you? Are you afraid if you gave me your best shot, I wouldn’t shoot back?  It would have been better for me to turn down my intensity. I used to wish there was a way for me to tone it down, but I know now that it wouldn’t really be me.  To not question your intentions or the reason why you raise your voice at me. To listen, to watch, to feel so Carefully.    To question all things that come my way. It wouldn’t be me to be so care-free. I wanted to stand by you because I seen you searching for placement and your heart was aching from always being on your sleeve. I see

Belong To Me

 I am comfortable with the fact that no one belongs to me. It makes the challenge for love so much more sweet. The idea that someone is with you because they choose to be, is what makes it honorable even through those moments of misery.  I love, love, but can be complacent in such a fantasied daydream. I fight wars within myself to pull me back down to what I find as a rude awakening .  Some will find it odd that with all I have been through I still have the will to be so optimistic on a world that's shown me, the crooked and exposed me to some of mankind's ugliest ways. There aren't very many people who fearlessly  dream, tirelessly believe, or know how to balance transparency. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Belong to me because you want too. Wear my love like armor every where you go.  Choose me because its frees you, don't break my heart because it will always be yours. Be